

Hello I’m Fiorina Brito, I’m very out of the box, and always weird. believe it or not this picture suits me very well. I’m artistic and outgoing, to a point, I love my family and friends, they’ve been here through out my many transitions in life and just like any young adult I’m just trying to make it in this big world. Just like a lot of artist I am a lefty, I take after my father who is also one. I’ve been drawing for as long as I could remember, but Fashion Design is my major. I love designing and finding/ putting together outfits. My family and friends think that i will go very far, they’ve already asked me to design various outfits for them. I moved away from my family to New York when i was 17, I have 2 beautiful as well as amazing sisters, Vanessa and Isabel, I’m the middle child, and 2 amazing parents Antonella and Orlando who without them most of this wouldn’t be happening. With moving to New York I’ve met my 2 best friends J’nelle and Kennishah, who made my transition a lot easier and I am truly grateful for them.

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